Okay, after my fiftieth viewing of The Big Lebowski, I stand even more firmly convinced that this Coen Brothers classic is simply - and without a doubt - the greatest movie .. EVER MADE. The Dude - his Dudeness, El Duderino - not only abides, he pretty much rules the entire cinematic universe. Okay, I can hear all you Citizen Kane, Godfather, Casablanca fans bleating from the balcony. The Lebowski? Really? So I guess it's just up to me to not only present the case for the Dude, but PROVE that no other film even comes close to one slacker's search for the ultimate Caucasian (aka a White Russian for all you uninitiated).
1) Jeff Bridges as the Dude. Rumor has it that Kurt Russell was also considered for this role. He would have been great. Love Kurt. But Jeff Bridges should have immediately been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Oscar the minute Lebowski wrapped. Every single f---ing scene with Bridges is a clinic. A CLINIC. Some actors need dialogue. Mr. Bridges delivers the finest scene in cinematic history without speaking a word: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl7o1EB0sYI .
2) John Goodman as Walter Sobchak. Okay, I understand that so-called film critics wax on and on about the "craft" of being a great supporting actor, but honestly John Goodman puts every other performer to shame. Proof? Just watch and listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BdT5mFAk-Y . Watch Bridges just play off Goodman's genius. As for Steve Buscemi, the Academy needs to create a new award for him, Best Supporting Supporting Actor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AEMiz6rcxc . As for John Tuturro as The Jesus, Best Supporting Supporting Supporting Actor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZR58d77a4A .
3) The single funniest scene in cinematic history. The set up is simple. You've seen this scene a thousand times before in a thousand different detective movies. After some investigative work, The Dude and Walter track the stolen ransom money to a high school student who went joy riding in The Dude's car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PztgWdMEJdg Yes, that's Larry father in the background in an iron lung. AN IRON LUNG! They had to take me out of the movie theater and call an ambulance the first time I saw this I was laughing that hard.
So there you have it. I could go on and on and on and keep proving my point. But right now I feel like pouring myself a Caucasian and just chilling with my rug. BTW, I married my wife because she is the only woman I've ever known who loves this movie and totally gets it. I'm not saying that I wouldn't have married Jen anyway. But her appreciation of this masterpiece sealed the deal. To all bachelors out there, I recommend screening Lebowski with any prospective spouse just to see her reaction. If she can't just kick back and let the movie take her where its going, she may also have the same problem navigating the twists, turns and ludicrous non sequiturs of matrimony. But that's just .. like my opinion, man.
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